Thursday, February 10, 2011

almost a year?!?

Has it really been almost a year since I last blogged?

Time sure flies when you're having fun..haha...

Update: We have adopted Pixie and Pumpkin! We now have 4 adopted children. Three are homeschooled for various reasons (will blog later on that). We continue to do foster care, but are being very specific about the age group and gender we will take as our 15 and 10 year could both very easily be manipulated.

Song (age 10) and Pumpkin(age 15) have both been diagnosed with PMDD. Expect one of my next blogs to be about THAT journey.


  1. Hmm.. PMDD. I had to google that. The only thing that came up related to PMS. Good lord, is that it?
    Glad to have you back :) And congratulation to your family on the adoptions!

  2. yes! can you believe it? our 10 year old got her period when she was 9. ughh....I've been trying to catch up on your blog. Wow! you have had a year my friend! Look for those glimmers of healing, and it will make the journey much easier...:)
